"Semiautomatic pistols and rifles assembled after September 13, 1994,Īnd possessing two or more of the features listed in [Section 921 (a) Owen, Jr., Chief of the Firearms Technology Branch of the BATF, has this to say: Now you know what a Semiautomatic Assault Weapon (SAW) is, but how do you determine what it is you have or what you can legally buy or make? What is "pre-ban?" What it all boils down to is when the GUN was built. GRENADE LAUNCHERS - THESE WERE CLASSIFIED AS "DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES" ALREADY), and some of them make no real impact in the "war against crime", but there they are. Now we all know that some of the features are already regulated by previous laws (E.G. an ability to accept a detachable magazine.a fixed magazine capacity in excess of 5 rounds.A semiautomatic shotgun that has at least 2 of the following features:.a semiautomatic version of an automatic firearm.a manufactured weight of 50 ounces or more when the pistol is unloaded.a shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles the barrel and that permits the shooter to hold the firearm with the non-trigger hand without being burned.a threaded barrel capable of accepting a barrel extender, flash suppressor, forward handgrip or silencer.an ammunition magazine that attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip.

A semiautomatic pistol that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least 2 of the following features:.a flash suppressor or a threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor.a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon.Any semiautomatic rifle that has the ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least 2 of the following features:.Revolving cylinder shotguns, such as (or similar to) the Street Sweeper and Striker 12.Action Arms Israeli Military Industries UZI, Galil.Norinco, Mitchell, Poly Technologies, Avtomat Kalashinikovs.Any of the firearms, or copies or duplicates of the firearms in any caliber, known as.This law "restricts the manufacture, transfer, and possession of certain 'Semiautomatic Assault Weapons'." (AN OXYMORON IN ITSELF, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT PREACHING TO THE CHOIR.) So what, you say, is a "Semiautomatic Assault Weapon"? The law (Section 921 (a) (30), Title 18 U.S.C.) defines it as so:

Even dealers don't know sometimes, and they sell firearms for a living! For that matter, I have talked to people who asked their local BATF agents what the determining factors are, and the agents were giving incorrect information! So what are the determining factors? Read on my friends.Ī few years ago, our government passed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, more commonly known as the 1994 Crime Bill. You are not alone! This is one of the most often asked questions I receive each day. So you want to know if you have a pre-ban or a post-ban receiver.